Photo Jaakko Ruuska
The railway, cut by state boundaries, in many places closed and partly ruined, will be awoken again, to become a multiplicity of spaces, alive for new kinds of encounters between people and non-human entities alike. The performances realised by the Other Spaces collective and Jaakko Ruuska are a part of Ruuska’s artistic research project at the Fine Arts Academy of Uniarts Helsinki.
The first reconnection happened on the ruins of the railway, between Parikkala and Elisenvaara. Can we overcome the spatial disconnect caused by state frontiers and forbidden zones?
The second reconnection was formed on the closed railroad between Savonlinna and Rantasalmi. The human-powered draisine lead us to the blind spots of the tourism industry, where we can still sense the aura of places.
On the ruins of the railway, functionality has moved to areas of imaginary and potentiality. Even when only a narrow trace remains of the railway, you can still follow it to enter other spaces. At the borders of an abandoned railway, new spaces for encounters are opened.
Reconnection #1: Parikkala-Elisenvaara 17.6. and 1.8.
Convenor: Jaakko Ruuska
Photographer Hanna Koikkalainen
Other Spaces collective: Timo Jokitalo and Eeva Kemppi
Osuuskunta Lahden Seudun Elämysmatkat: Antti Holopainen and Victoria Fofanova (Via Kalevala project)
Reconnection #2: Savonlinna-Rantasalmi
Convenor: Jaakko Ruuska
Photographer Hanna Koikkalainen
Other Spaces collective: Timo Jokitalo and Kati Korosuo
Producer: Veera Kolehmainen
Special thanks: Ari Berg, Antti Luostarinen, Ilkka Ruuska, Raimo Ruuska, Pertti Sipinen.
28.11.-12.12.2018 ARCHIPELAGO MOUNTAIN:
Other Spaces collective took part in Jaakko Ruuska’s installation ”Spatial disconnections #1″, performed at the Archipelago Mountain exhibition (Exhibition Laboratory, Helsinki).
17.6. and 1.8. Wandering performances Parikkala-Elisenvaara.
18.8. Havaintoja vaellusmatkasta katkaistulla rautatiellä -discussion, Savonlinnan Kulttuurikellari.
14.8. Elokuva ilman kameraa, Laitaatsilta – Kallislahti.
15.8. Yö Toisissa tiloissa, Kallislahti – Rantasalmi – Kallislahti.
16.8. Festivaaliresiina, Kallislahti – Laitaatsilta.
18.8. Sunnuntai-ajelu, Laitaatsilta – Aholahti – Laitaatsilta.
19.8. Viimeinen resiina Kallislahteen?, Laitaatsilta – Kallislahti.
2.11.2019 Resiinareitti Savonlinnaan -discussion, Savonlinna, Kulttuurikellari.
17. and 18.6.2023 Stitching Tracks -wandering performances in Parikkala, on the ruins of the railway leading to the Russian border.

The project has been supported by Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Niilo Helander Foundation, Alfred Kordelinin Säätiön Savonlinnan Rahasto, The Finnish Cultural Foundation, Osuuskunta Lahden Seudun Elämysmatkailu, Etelä-Karjalan Liitto, Parikkala commune, Pieksämäki city, University of the Arts Helsinki and Savonlinna International Nature Film Festival. Thanks to Väylävirasto (previously transportation agency).

Photo Jaakko Ruuska