Picture Hieronymus Bosch
The endless depths of our imagination are inhabited by the weird and wonderful creatures. It is a home to the fantastic beings of our playful mind. These beings take shape on the boundaries of our senses, feeding from our frights and dreams.
The participatory workshop-performance opens the door to a space, where the creatures of past, present, and future generations can get together. The performance invites people from 6-years-olds and above to imagine together and share their imaginations during the event, that takes place in museums or libraries. What does it feel like to be a mythical beast or an extinct animal? What is it like to meet a dragon of your imagination?
The participatory event takes place in a museum or library, a place where past, present and future generations live side by side. The participant is at the same time a performer and spectator.
The event begins with an Introductory Lecture about Imaginary Beings. The participants learn about different subtypes of imaginary beings such as fairy tale creatures, political monsters, mythic deities, and species that are extinct. In the School of Imaginary Beings workshop the participants are introduced to the techniques of Other Spaces collective, and they learn to embody imaginary creatures in various ways. The workshop is held in a studio room. During the Individual Journey of Discovery the participants learn to catch imaginary beings, that hide in the corners of the library or the museum. In the Final Exercise the participants will return to the studio, where they get to embody the imaginary being of each other’s dreams, and they can see their imaginary creatures being embodied.
The Final Discussion offers the participants a possibility to share their experiences.
The Collection of imaginary beings video piece (in Finnish) is part of the Poikkeus-Tila-Taide series of TEHDAS Teatteri.
In the video we explain how to do the “Find your own creature” excercise at home or in some other place you like! In the esxercise you can embody an imaginary creature that lives only in imagination, stories or past times. You can do the exercise together with a person you feel safe with. The exercise is suitable for all ages and you can do it in the way confortable for you.
The exercise is part of the Collection of Imaginary Beings performance.
Contact: info@toisissatiloissa.net
You can come to the performance alone or with your family, grandparents, godparents, friends, neighbors, or someone else close to you. The world of the imaginary beings welcomes adults of all ages and children aged 6 and above. Below 10, accompanied by an adult.

Collection of Imaginary Beings is co-produced by Other Spaces -collective, Kampnagel and TEHDAS Theatre.
Eeva Kemppi, Kaisa-Liisa Logrén, Minja Mertanen and Jaakko Ruuska. Participating in the design of the piece Jussi Lankoski.
Other Spaces production: Working group and Jenni Kokkomäki.
Collection of Imaginary Beings translation Liisa Muinonen.
En samling av inbillade varelser translation Essi Brunberg.
Sari Havukainen: Other Spaces crosses borders to deliver transgenerational theatre in Germany, TINFO 8.9.2021.
Annina Karhu: Toisissa tiloissa -kollektiivi johdattaa osallistujat tutkimaan kuvitteellisia olentoja pääkirjaston uumeniin, Turun Sanomat 5.9.2020.
Frida Maria Pessi: Hirviöksi muuttuminen rentouttaa, Turun Sanomat 8.9.2020.
Sari Havukainen: Monstrous but safe, TINFO 3.9.2020.
Jaakko Virrankoski: Kuvitteelliset olennot aktivoivat mielikuvituksen uumenet, Teatteri&Tanssi+Sirkus 6-7/2020.
Collection of Imaginary Beings or “Samling av inbillade varelser” had it’s Swedish premiere at Hangö Teaterträff -festival on 11.6.2022 at Hanko City Library. The second performance was on 12.6.
German premiere in Hamburg on 9.10.2021 at art museum Hamburger Kunsthalle. Also two performances on 10.10. The performances were coproduced with Kampnagel performing art centre.
Collection of Imaginary Beings premiere 6.9.2020 as part of TEHDAS Theatre’s and New Performance Turku Festival’s programme at the Turku Main Library. Other performances on 12. and 13.9. as well as 4.10.
Collection of Imaginary Beings school performances on 15. and 28.9.2020 at the Turku Main Library.
Collection of Imaginary Beings continues the transgenerational work of the Other Spaces collective. Great Barrier Reef premiered in Hamburg and Kuntula in the spring 2018