Photo Johanna Huiskonen
Great Barrier Reef is a transgenerational participatory event consisting of a workshop, lunch, a collective performance, and a silent demonstration. We invite both adults and children to an adventure on the coral reef. Our mission is to keep the Great Barrier Reef alive!
The Great Barrier Reef near the coast of Australia is the largest coral reef in the world, a unique and endangered ecosystem. In the Great Barrier Reef performance we visit the coral reef without travelling far. The participants, adults and children of all ages, use their bodies to create together a living and constantly changing construction, a large human coral reef.
Great Barrier Reef begins with a workshop where we learn together to create the underwater world of the coral reef. The experience is supported by imaginative lighting and music. The goal is to create a living sculpture and an ever changing choreography.
The participants of the Great Barrier Reef are simultaneously viewers as well as authors, and they create and shape the performance for themselves. There are no outside spectators. Great Barrier Reef is suitable for people of all condition and all ages above 6 years. (Children under 12 need to be accompanied by an adult.) Prior experience is not needed.
As part of the Great Barrier Reef, we arrange a public silent underwater demonstration where corals express their concern for the state of the oceans.
Maria Säkö: Suuri Koralliriutta syntyy lasten ja aikuisten voimin – esityksen kuntopiireissä opiskellaan rauskun ja merihevosen eleitä, Helsingin Sanomat 30.9.2018
The following articles talk about Great Barrier Reef among other performances and topics.
Mustekala.fi, Great Barrier Reef mentioned among many performances.
Kinder-und Jugendtheater: Jenseits von Hotzenplotz, Theater heute, July 2018 issue, the Dangerous Minds Festival’s performances including the Great Barrier Reef.
Maria Säkö: Ilmastonmuutoksen vai ihmisenmuutoksen esitykset?, Mustekala 18.12.2018.
Contact: info@toisissatiloissa.net
Feel free to jump into the underwater world and bring along a godson, niece, grandmother, guardian, cousin, neighbor’s aunt or even your own father or mother. Adults and children of all ages are welcome to the Great Barrier Reef from six years of age and up. Children under 12 participate accompanied by an adult.
Eeva Kemppi, Kati Korosuo, Kaisa-Liisa Logrén, Sanni Priha and lighting designer Janne Björklöf.
Concept: Esa Kirkkopelto, the working group and the Other Spaces collective.
Sound design & music: Esa Ruoho / Lackluster (Kontula, Kanneltalo and Stoa), Richard von der Schulenburg (Hamburg) and Matthias Engelke (Frankfurt).
Set design: Annika Saloranta.
Other Spaces production: The working group and Jenni Kokkomäki.
Great Barrier Reef was performed at JUNIOR-festival in Toronto, Canada. Three participatory performances took place on 21.-23.5.2022. Read more from JUNIOR-festival’s websites.
Great Barrier Reef premiered 21.4.2018 and the Underwater demonstration 22.4.2018 at the Kontula Electronic Festival (Helsinki).
German premiere of the Great Barrier Reef 26.5.2018, second showing 27.5. and the Underwater demonstration 28.5.2018 at the Dangerous Minds Festival (Kampnagel, Hamburg).
Great Barrier Reef, 22. and 23.9.2018, with Underwater demonstration 24.9.2018 at Künstlerhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt.
Great Barrier Reef and the Underwater demonstration 29.9.2018 at Kanneltalo, Helsinki.
Great Barrier Reef at Hurraa! Festival 16.3. and 24.3.2019 at Stoa, and the Underwater demonstration 16.3.2019 at the Helsinki Central Library Oodi.

Great Barrier Reef is a coproduction of the Other Spaces collective and Kampnagel. The Kontula premiere was realised in cooperation with Mad House Helsinki and Kontula Electronic. At Kampnagel, Great Barrier Reef was part of the Dangerous Minds Festival, and was supported by Elbkulturfonds (Kulturbehörde Hamburg), Finnland Institut and TINFO.